Jewelry Making Classes

The Twisted Bead and Rock Shop’s jewelry design classes are geared to teach you jewelry making techniques to express your own creativity. Our experienced and helpful instructors ensure you never fall behind and leave with a wealth of new beading knowledge. We hold all classes in our spacious design studio. We build our class schedule to fit into your schedule. To arrange a class, just give us a call with a couple of dates that are convenient for you, and we will put that class into the schedule.

We offer a variety of classes. Their descriptions are on our stringing, weaving, wire, and metal pages. You can schedule a private class for one-one-instruction, as well.

Guest instructors teach some of classes, so scheduling will be based on their availability. Advanced registration and a non-refundable deposit is required for all classes.

Class fee includes instruction and use of our tools. Students are welcome to bring their own tools. Please be considerate of your fellow students and arrive early to select your materials.

Please call us 410-956-5529, contact us, or stop by the store to reserve your spot. When you reserve your class, please let us know of any modifications or assistance you or a member of your party may need while taking the class.