May Astrology Outlook

May astrology outlook: On the 3rd Mercury enters Gemini, meaning more intellectual endeavors may become available. Also, use this energy to organize mentally, embrace your curious side, and adapt. We can expect to be more assertive in communicating to achieve what we want! Also on the 3rd, Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces, giving [...]

2021-05-04T11:01:32-04:00May 4th, 2021|Store News|

Thank you’s, new classes, and website updates

We have lots of news in this week's newsletter. Below I've included some highlights, but follow the link for more details and other news. From Michele: Thank you for your patience and understanding if the store was closed during our regular hours or if something you ordered got held up a bit. I think we [...]

2020-08-24T10:55:53-04:00August 10th, 2017|Newsletters, Store News|
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