Divination is the name used for creating communication with the divine, may people use different forms of divination when seeking answers to questions about themselves for their inner healing journey, the future, or to guide them to the best solution of a situation.
People use all sorts of things for divination, pendulums, tarot cards, oracle decks, runes, crystal balls, some people use playing cards, or simply items they feel connected to, some even read tea leaves or dirt and salt. Your method of communication is completely up to you and only you can know what’s best, it is YOUR journey.
The divination tools we have here at The Twisted Bead currently are Tarot and Oracle Decks, Pendulums, and Crystal Balls. I’ll go into how to use them below…
Tarot cards and Oracle cards (Angel cards):
Tarot cards and Oracle cards are very similar in their use but different for a few reasons. Tarot has a specific deck, with 78 cards, organized by suit (element), and number (1-10). While there are many different graphics and versions you can buy the organization is the same. Each element is represented in tarot, fire (wands), air (swords), earth (pentacles), and water (cups). It is separated into major arcana and minor arcana cards as well, the major arcana typically giving the overall energy of a tarot reading or a bigger event and the minor, more of the details and movements happening around an event or situation. There are many websites where you can find meaning behind each card, but I highly recommend spending time with your deck and intuitively finding out what each card means for you, in my experience the more you work with your deck the more bonded you become, and it gets easier and easier to decipher the messages being delivered to you. You may see how each of the elements relates to your personality or your life, maybe for you, it’s a direct relation to zodiacs. Nobody speaks to the divine in the exact same way, we all have different relations with the universe and how we connect so it’s best to find what ways of doing that are the easiest and most comfortable for you.
Oracle cards do not have a set amount, and the themes vary greatly. To find what Oracle deck to work with you should simply spend time looking at them and see what speaks to you, maybe you connect to archangels or the chakras, there are Oracle decks designed around those subjects. I have an oracle deck for channeling and awakening the divine feminine that I knew I needed to have the second I laid eyes on it. Trust your instincts. Typically these decks have either a guidebook or words directly on the cards.
Both decks are used to answer questions, maybe directly, or in a more open aspect, if someone is just looking for direction they could ask for the deck to show them what steps to take to move forward in an area of life. Ultimately the cards are only a tool, YOU are the one connecting them to the divine, YOUR intuition is what is going to define the readings you give with your deck.
A pendulum can be held in your hand, or tied over a jar or compass. It is typically used for yes or no questions. Personally, I hold it in my right hand and keep it hovering over the center of my left. You can ask your pendulum to show you what it’s yes, no, and maybe looks like, and then watch how it swings for each one. I like to test it by asking questions I already know the answer to ensure a correct reading.
Crystal Balls:
Crystal Balls are used to see into an event, whether that be past present, or future this is a great divination tool for those who are tapped into their clairvoyant gifts. Simply sit with your Crystal Ball and ask for the event or information you want revealed to be shown to you. Using a crystal that you feel connected to will definitely be beneficial for this type of divination.