Energy work comes in all forms and sizes. From Reiki to crystal healing, chakra work (working directly on an energy center can be done in many ways like Reiki), water charging, cleansing baths, smoke cleansing, divination, rituals, gridding, etc. We are all energy put forth into the world in different physical forms. Manipulating energy may come easier to some than others but it is something we are all capable of, you just need to remember that part of yourself and trust in your powers. Here we have provided some information for you to start, continue, or further, your healing journey. Whether that is with new tools, new ideas, or new perspectives, we hope you enjoy every step of your process and we are so thankful to play a part in it!
Blessed be
Charging Water with Crystals
Water is in the form of a crystalline structure, this structure has been proven to change when charged by crystals, or words. Much like how our brains and DNA have the ability to change formation and structure through words of affirmation and exposure to different frequencies.
So much of our body is made up of water, so by charging and setting an intention to the molecules (water) your body takes in, you can experience healing in a whole new way. Want to be kinder to yourself? Stick rose quartz under, on top, or around your water (we sell bottles with a compartment for crystals if you’re looking for something more convenient ;)), more successful, garnet or citrine, working on kindness, maybe finding love, green aventurine will do the trick. By changing the molecular structure of the water, you’re changing that of your DNA.
When this is done with intention, whether that’s simply your ideas and implications behind the crystals you’re using, or out loud affirmations ( speaking to your water ) *yes we know it sounds silly, get some inner child healing in while you do it, silly doesn’t mean non-effective!* it will only amplify the healing!
Chakras? What are they?
The word chakra is Sanskrit for “wheels” of rotating energy within every person’s physical and ethereal body. There are 114 chakras total, 112 within the physical body and 2 outside of it. Today, many people choose to focus on “the main 7” for more tangible goals during energy work, so that is what we will focus on here.
Each chakra pertains to emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects of one’s life, the physical health and wellbeing of certain areas of the body are often linked to issues within the energy center that inhabits that area. For example, if someone had a blocked heart center they may experience back pains or heartburn more regularly, or if there is a blockage in their 3rd eye they may find themselves having dry skin or acne in between their eyebrows or headaches more often than before. If you want to learn a little bit about each of the main chakras keep scrolling…
Root (Base) Chakra (1):
Color: Red
The Root chakra is located at the base of your spine area.
Its correlating zodiacs are Capricorn and Aquarius.
When your Root chakra is cared for, you will find yourself with a good sense of safety and security, stability (physically or emotionally), courage, good health, and success.
Physical signs this chakra needs balance: Blotchy skin, varicose veins, poor circulation, laziness, water retention bloating, dryness in hair or skin, unbalanced bowel movements.
Crystals to heal this chakra: Red Jasper, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz
Sacral Chakra (2):
Color: Orange
The Sacral chakra is located in your Sacrum area.
The correlating zodiacs for the Sacral chakra are Pisces and Saggitarius.
When your Sacral chakra is cared for properly you will feel graceful in your movements, creative, pleased with the experiences you create for yourself, capable of nurturing yourself emotionally and physically as well as for others, and excited about new opportunities and creating goals as well as confident and comfortable in your sexuality.
Physical signs this chakra needs balance: Frequent UTIs or pain urinating, menstruation irregularities or pains, depression, frequent mood swings, swelling in the hands and feet, pain in the lower back/upper legs.
Crystals to heal this chakra: Carnelian, Tiger-Eye, Dragon stone, Sunstone, Amber, Mugglestone
Solar Plexus Chakra (3):
Color: Yellow
The Solar Plexus chakra is located in your stomach/ intestines area.
The correlating zodiacs for the Solar Plexus chakra are Aries and Scorpio.
When the Solar Plexus chakra is nurtured, you will feel confident in your work as well as in terms of self-esteem, you may be more easy-going, and playful because you will have a sense of peace and balance within. If this energy center is cared for you will be more reliable and responsible for yourself and your own choices, as well as that of those close to you, your ability to rise to the occasion when met with challenges, is closely related to the functioning of this chakra.
Physical signs this chakra needs balance: Bloating, gassy, constipation or diarrhea, cravings (not healthy), bad temper or “short fuse”, pain in the middle of the back, and dehydration.
Crystals to heal this chakra: Citrine, Pyrite, Calcite, Onyx, Bumblebee Jasper
Heart Chakra (4):
Color: Green
The Heart chakra is located in the center of your chest.
The correlating zodiacs for the Heart chakra are Libra and Taurus.
When the Heart chakra is cared for correctly, you will find yourself filled with warmth and authenticity, compassion and sincerity will come easily to you, and you will actively notice the connection that is between you and all life that is around you.
Physical signs this chakra needs balance: Chest/heart pain, congestion in your lungs, immune deficiencies, tight/sore muscles in chest or upper back, poor blood pressure levels, bacne.
Crystals to heal this chakra: Green Aventurine, Emerald, Apatite, Rose Quartz, Pink Rhyolite, Coboaltan Calcite
Throat Chakra (5):
Color: Blue
The Throat chakra is located in your throat area.
The correlating zodiacs for the Throat chakra are Virgo and Gemini.
When the Throat chakra is taken care of properly, you will find it easy to communicate your thoughts and feelings honestly, you may find yourself having good rhythm and better at timing when it comes to music or simply during casual conversation, and you will be able to share your knowledge openly without fear of judgment from others.
Physical signs this chakra needs balance: Extra stress, allergies, cold symptoms, sleepiness, coughing, hyperactivity, impulsively speaking, or not speaking enough.
Crystals to heal this chakra: Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Aventurine, Blue Lace Agate, Howlite
Third-Eye Chakra (6):
Color: Indigo
The 3rd Eye chakra is located in the middle of your forehead, between your brows.
The correlating zodiac for the Third Eye chakra is Cancer.
When the 3rd Eye chakra is balanced you will find yourself in touch with your intuition and imagination, perceptive and receptive to the information you take and give within your day-to-day life, and strongly connected to nature and mother earth.
Physical signs this chakra needs balance: A bad sleep schedule, low concentration levels, congestion in the sinus area, hormone issues, and indecision.
Crystals to heal this chakra: Amethyst, Moonstone, Azurite, Turquoise, Shiva- Eye, Fluorite
Crown Chakra (7):
Color: Violet
The Crown chakra is located at the top of the head.
The correlating zodiac for the Crown chakra is Leo.
When the Crown chakra is cared for, you will be intelligent, thoughtful, and consistently aware of your surroundings, as well as more analytical of the world around you, you will be connected to your inner wisdom and take new information in with an open mind.
Physical signs this chakra needs balance: poor coordination, poor vision (worse than your regular), bad short-term memory, sleepiness, and auditory or visual hallucinations.
Crystals to heal this chakra: Celestite, Clear Quartz, Angelite, Amethyst, Amazonite, Blue Kyanite, Spirit Quartz
How do you know when it is time to cleanse your home or space? If, you feel less able to relax after a long day or more drained than you did before you entered your space. Maybe you had someone over whose energy wasn’t in alignment with yours, or you have simply been in a bad mood. That energy radiates off you and others and into your space, cleansing with smoke is a way to de-densify the energy and claim your serenity.
It is always recommended that you open a window or door when cleansing as smoke is never good for your lungs when trapped up in a room, but this is also recommended because trying to get rid of unwanted energy is not possible without giving it somewhere to go. You may have heard of the law of conservation: energy cannot be created or destroyed, meaning it needs to have space to move.
Below are some of the properties of different smoke cleansers we carry
White sage according to most traditions holds the spirit of purification and clearing, aiding the bringing in of positivity and blessing.
Flat cedar is scared in many Native cultures, used during times of prayer and worship, it is said to remove negative influences and attract good spirits.
Sacred wood from Peru, used for calming effects, spiritual purification, inspiring creativity and healing.
Herb of cleansing, relaxation, and an attracting herb, bringing abundance to you through love.
Symbolizes healing, peace, and spirituality in a variety of Native cultures. Braids of sweetgrass are often left as offering to bring peace to the dead at graves or sacred sites, and when placed above entryways to the home are believed to bring good luck and fortune to all that pass through.
Charcoal alone These plates are used for burning loose/cone incense, (non-flammable).
The abalone shells in themselves represent a connection to the water and its elements, all things related (Intuition, visions, focus, strength, confidence, and appreciation). Scallop shells represent the variety of pathways available whether it is spiritual, religious, or human, and how they lead to the one divine truth. The pilgrims carried scallop shells to represent the personal journeys and the path we must all take within.
Used as burning plates, trays, jewelry holders, décor, etc.
Symbolizing abundance and the power of co-creation we all hold with Gaia; feathers are also a symbol of spirit in most cultures and practices. After or during the burning of sacred herbs, the feather is used to spread the smoke and finalize the clearing of negative energies and/or entities.
When you use a crystal grid you are creating a small sacred space for your intentions and energy to be focused into. Design your grid and layout your crystals intuitively, choosing what you want your board to be focused on is key. (Healing from a breakup, you may want to use heart-centered and self-love stones, to build success in your work or business, you may use pyrite and citrine etc.)
Your Center Piece (Center of the board), should be a stone that closest resembles the vibrations and energy that you want to most intensely affect your grid, as all of your other stones will be channeling their energy through it. As you build your grid I recommend working your way out and in layers, each layer choosing stones that reflect something you want to work on, manifest, clarify etc.
To personalize a grid many people use photographs, flowers, essential oils, mementos, anything personally connected to the situation or person that the work is focused around. This will only further connect you to the energy force you are creating from the ground (or the grid) up!
Hope this helps! Happy Gridding!